
Colors are described by the following class schema:

skari1: physical objects
skari2: colors
skari3: photoreceptors
skari4: physical environments

xinmo2: skari2

The class of skari2 is known as skaselbri.

A color is a ratio of red, green, and blue. Exact ratios are yet to be decided, but there is a good survey of colors for future folks to incorporate. Extensionally, colors are the sets of all physical objects which can appear to have that color; using {blabi} as an example:

da blabi <=> su'o de su'o di zo'u: da skari pa ka ce'u blabi kei de di

Note that as a result, {skari} implies {ckaji}, and vice versa when {ckaji2} is a color:

da skari de di da4 => da ckaji de

The baseline contains the following colors:

LojbanInternational English
bunrebrown, tan
cicnacyan, turquoise, green-blue
crinogreen, verdant
nuknimagenta, fuchsia, purple-red
pelxuyellow, gold
xunrered, crimson, ruddy
zirpupurple, violet

The physical environments include nothing at all (blackbody radiation), electric fields (fluorescence), temperature (incandescence), etc.

  • kandi
  • carmi
  • xinmo