Nonce valsi

Some valsi used in this work do not appear elsewhere in Lojbanistan; they were purpose-crafted.

Overlap and Underlap

In mereology, the concepts of overlap and underlap are built from parthood. We could choose to use {pagbrjonlapi} and {pagbrkuclapi} for this, but instead we introduce the shorter lujvo {jompau} (from {jo'e pagbu}) and {kuzypau} (from {ku'a pagbu}) for brevity and ease of pronounciation. These lujvo are not jvajvo, because they have components from JOI. They have a simplified place structure which only uses the first two places, in line with standard formal mereology:

x1 and x2 underlap

x1 and x2 overlap

Lattice of Relations

To express bicategorical relational logic, we need gismu which are similar to {nibli} in structure. {nibli} only operates on {du'u}, though, and we would like to operate more directly on {ka} selbri. To facilitate this, we take -ki'i- from {ckini} and use it as a modifier, forming {ki'irni'i}, {ki'irvlina}, and {ki'irkanxe} with the following place structures:

x1 (binary ka) lattice-implies x2 (binary ka)

x1 (binary ka) is the lattice-join/supremum of x2 (binary ka) and x3 (binary ka)

x1 (binary ka) is the lattice-meet/infimum of x2 (binary ka) and x3 (binary ka)

These lujvo are not jvajvo, and a jvajvo approach probably isn't possible given the baseline alone, since {du'u} are like nullary {ka} and {ka} of different arity aren't interchangeable.