
A category is a deductive system. ~ Lambek, via Encyclopedia of Philosophy

This is the landing page for brismu: a relational interpretation of Lojban, a small book which provides logical rules for manipulating Lojban text.

This book is born from notes for a basic interpretation of Lojban using category theory. According to the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, there is a category for "any deductive system T with objects formulae and morphisms proofs." I present a deductive system for Lojban with a strong focus on relations, category-theoretic framing, and formalizability. In this system, Lojban is syntax for a special flavor of category -- a bicategory of relations -- forming a fictional universe.

This book has multiple pieces:

  • a formally-verified collection of proofs about Lojban syntax written mostly in Metamath, a system for formalizing symbolic logic and proving theorems
  • a pile of mostly-English notes and prose, organized loosely into chapters, which informs that formal system's axioms and grammar
  • formal definitions of categories Loj and Selb which are suitable for foundational and high-level logical reasoning
  • a vlaste which logically defines valsi in terms of other valsi

This book is addressed at folks who know Lojban and want to gain a deeper understanding of Lojbanic logic. If the reader does not know Lojban, then they may be somewhat mystified by the purpose of this work. For that reader, please consider Lojban as a sort of neutral speakable language for reading well-formed formulae aloud; the purpose of this book would then be to show that a Lojban-style project can be rigorously formal.

There are no mathematical prerequisites. Instead, the first few pages will rapidly build up all of the mathematical concepts which are required, and any additional concepts will be built as needed.


Of the 1343 baseline valsi recognized as selbri (1342 gismu, 1 cmavo), 161 selbri are partially defined via formal rules. All 12 baseline abstractors (NU) are informally defined. Of the 8 classic gadri (LE), 2 are informally defined.

In addition, 8 experimental selbri are informally defined, as well as 6 cnino selbri which did not previously exist.

Essential theorems

cei'iyesyes: ceihi
ganai broda gi brodayesyes: id
go broda gi brodayesyes: go-id
ko'a du ko'ayesyes: du-refl
lo broda ku brodasomewhat (prose, not Metamath)no
lo'i broda ku brodanot reallyno

Formal coverage

The following table shows how many valsi have been formalized in handwritten Metamath, not including automatically-generated rules.

Grammatical classMetamath class# of baseline definitionstotal # of definitions
Aconstant5 / 96
BOhAmetavariable0 / 55
GAconstant3 / 73
GIconstant0 / 21
GIhAconstant5 / 96
GOIconstant1 / 71
GOhAconstant1 / 172
GOhAmetavariable3 / 173
JAconstant5 / 186
JOIconstant4 / 94
KOhAconstant1 / 481
KOhAmetavariable13 / 4813
MOIconstant1 / 361
NAKUconstant0 / 11
NOIconstant1 / 31
PAconstant3 / 1004
PAmetavariable0 / 1003
SEconstant2 / 72
gismuconstant19 / 135230
gismumetavariable5 / 13525
lujvoconstant0 / 1817
total-72 / 2460 (2.93%)

Ontology coverage

The following table shows how many selbri have been ontologized: given partial meaning relative to other selbri, but not necessarily formally defined.

Ontological class# of baseline memberstotal # of members
total188 / 1436 (13.09%)214


The bulk of this work was gathered by la korvo. I greet and thank the following Lojbanists for input and insights:

  • la bremenli
  • la guskant
  • la ilmen
  • la poros
  • la selgu'a
  • la selpa'i
  • la tsani

I also thank the following Lojbanists for proposing experimental valsi which I ended up using:

  • la krtisfranks
  • la lalxu
  • la latros
  • la lorxus
  • la varik valefor

Praise from Lojbanists

"alien language" -- la gleki

"sad...pathetic, really" -- la cadgu'a

"no one cares about formalism" -- la xaspeljba