Non-Logical Connectives

This section is about set theory, which we will frame as the study of {cmima}. {cmima} is our first example of a non-logical connective; it is a way of assembling bridi which cannot be reduced to mere definitions and so cannot be defined purely as a relation between logically-defined bridi.

Traditionally, set theorists study elementhood, which we express with {cmima}. There is also the notion of subset, expressed in our database with the CLL-era irregular lujvo {gripau}, which is more amenable to structural study.


First, we mention elementhood, traditionally studied through a collection of axioms known as ZF (WP, nLab). ZF is often combined with an Axiom of Choice, which we will discuss later; the reader is advised to carefully note the distinction between "ZF" and "ZFC". We study two selbri, {cmima} and {zilcmi}, which represent inhabited sets and all sets respectively.

We present the following subset of ZF, containing Axioms of Empty Set, Pairing, and Union:

df-nomeinaku ko'a cmima le nomei ku
df-cego ko'a cmima ko'e ce ko'i gi ga ko'a du ko'e gi ko'a du ko'i
df-johego ko'a cmima ko'e jo'e ko'i gi ko'a cmima ko'e .a ko'i

And also extensionally define a fair number of selbri in terms of {cmima}:

df-zilcmigo ko'a zilcmi gi ga ko'a du le nomei ku gi su'o da zo'u da cmima ko'a


Next, we consider subsets. By defining subsets in terms of elementhood, we can establish that the subset relation is reflexive and transitive.

gripau-reflko'a gripau ko'a
gripau-transko'a gripau ko'e & ko'e gripau ko'iko'a gripau ko'i

Internal Homs

This section is also the earliest that we can define the first Lojban abstractor, {ka}, which relates a selbri to the various terbri which combine with it to form a complete bridi. This is essential for building the so-called internal homs (WP, nLab), which will allow us to treat selbri as terbri.


Readers acquainted with category theory may find the terminology curious. Note that the internal hom in Loj is the trivial syntactic one over {ganai} and {ge}, with its curry witnessed by theorems cur and uncur. The internal hom described here is for the logic of selbri: Selb.

We use this to define many classic gismu. Here are some examples:

df-ckajigo ko'a ckaji pa ka ce'u bo'a kei gi ko'a bo'a
df-ckinigo ko'a ckini ko'e pa ka ce'u bu'a ce'u kei gi ko'a bu'a ko'e

And we can combine those with {cmima} to define more gismu:

df-stecigo ko'a steci ko'e ko'i gi ge ko'e ckaji ko'a gi ko'e cmima ko'i
df-mupligo ko'a mupli ko'e ko'i gi ge ko'a ckaji ko'e gi ko'a cmima ko'i
df-simxugo ko'a simxu ko'e gi ro da zo'u ro de zo'u ganai da .e de cmima ko'a gi da ckini de ko'e
df-kampugo ko'a kampu ko'e gi ro da poi ke'a cmima ko'e ku'o zo'u da ckaji ko'a

This section also includes a definition of {du'u}, which further internalizes logic by allowing us to treat bridi as terbri.

df-fatcigo pa du'u broda kei fatci gi broda
df-nibligo pa du'u broda kei nibli pa du'u brode kei gi ganai broda gi brode
df-sigdapa du'u ganai broda gi brode kei sigda pa du'u broda kei pa du'u brode kei
df-tsidapa du'u go broda gi brode kei tsida pa du'u broda kei pa du'u brode kei
df-kanxepa du'u ge broda gi brode kei kanxe pa du'u broda kei pa du'u brode kei
df-vlinapa du'u ga broda gi brode kei vlina pa du'u broda kei pa du'u brode kei
df-nalti-anapa du'u broda kei nalti pa du'u naku broda kei
df-nalti-katapa du'u naku broda kei nalti pa du'u broda kei

At this point we can explain the main issue with using abstractors as our basis: terbri cannot be manipulated as generic syntax. It's not obvious how to do manipulations with gismu like {nibli} which operate upon {du'u} abstractions. As such, we prefer {ka} abstraction over {du'u} abstraction when manipulating syntax. The situation is not dire, merely unclear and difficult; theorems like nibli-refl have been proven without any fancy techniques. But we will need some fancy techniques, like…

Proper Substitution

Manipulation of bridi is getting tiresome, so we introduce the first — and hopefully only — genuinely new metasyntax in all of la brismu: proper substitution. It is a fairly weak mechanism that only allows us to replace any first-order quantified variable, like {da}, but we may replace it with any grammatical {ko'a}. Theorems about proper substitution are extremely powerful but take effort to prove; our listing of them is currently fairly short.

subidgo [ da / da ] broda gi broda

Not-Free Quantification

We also include a quantifier not in baseline Lojban, {na'a'u}, which asserts that a quantified variable is irrelevant to the bridi over which it scopes. It is not a common feature of most logics, but is used in other Metamath databases to ease the implementation of proper substitution. A noteworthy theorem here is ceihi-nf, which demonstrates that {cei'i} really is a nullary relation in semantics and not merely an aesthetic choice of our syntax.